Long I have resided in Sydney, being born and raised here has conditioned me to have specific expectations of what the city should be. My ideal city is a place where I should be able to walk by everyday and smile at the marvels and gifts which the city has to offer. Like every offer there will always be a trade-off.
Realistically, Sydney is not perfect and there will always be some insensitivity, like the way a particular house is built, how someone drives and even the complexities of socialising. However, we can always do our best to be more courteous and empathetic, we can express judgement all we want, loudly or quietly. At the end of the day it is what gives this city its character.
I want a city where the spaces are sufficient and efficient i.e. all spaces utilised and not abandoned to a mere existence. I want a city where the spaces give people opportunities to have good health and prosper together. I want a city that respects the people who make it their home, and people to respect the city that it is a home of not just themselves but many.
My words may sound selfish and idealistic but the city we want always starts with the individual. The individual like me and yourself dreaming and creating opportunities for themselves which others might follow. A city is not a city without the people who build, improve and maintain it otherwise it is just a tangible, meaningless object.
Importantly, the city should be able to support any form of creation like a big hug that makes you feel warm and secure, a place to be ambitious with minimal altercations and a place to embrace your individuality and collectively prosper.
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